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Tuition & Fees


The cost of K-12th grade tuition at GlenHaven Academy is $4,000 annually.

Any additional students in the family are discounted (see below).

K-1st grade is also offered in half days (8:00 am -12:00 pm) for $2,800 annually. 

Family Discounts:

1st Child     2nd Child   3rd Child +

$4,000         $3,000         $2,500


Enrollment fee - $50 per student

Re-enrollment fee - $35 per student.​

Curriculum fee - $35 Monthly. Payment is due the 15th of each month. A monthly statement will be sent home.

Failed PACE fee - $10​

Testing - Standardized tests (Grades 4-12) - $35.00 per student.​

Field trips – Field trips may require additional cost to participate. A message will be sent home prior to the event stating the amount.

Convention (for students 13 years by December 31 and older) – event tuition, hotel fee, performance outfit, and any individual event cost.


3. TOTAL ANNUAL COST (without any discount):

1st Child     2nd Child   3rd Child +

$4,435         $3,435         $2,935



One tuition discount per family.

Early Pay Discount: Families choosing to pay full tuition by July 31 can receive a 5% discount per family total on tuition. Families that pay ½ tuition by July 31 and the other ½ by January 31, of current year can receive a 3% discount per family total on tuition.

GlenHaven Member Discount: Families with active membership within GlenHaven Church receive a 20% Tuition discount on total family invoice.



Families are expected to make payments in a timely manner according to their payment plan. For any account that falls two months in arrears, the student may not attend school until the account is settled or satisfactory arrangements have been made. This policy is strictly enforced. All fees from the previous school year must be paid before finalizing the enrollment for the next year. (Exceptional circumstances should be immediately communicated to Principal Johnston).


Monthly statements will be sent out beginning the first week of August and ending in the first week of May. The tuition may be paid annually or monthly. Payments must be in cash or check. Tuition is due by the 15th of each month. (If a temporary situation arises and payment becomes an issue, this should be immediately communicated to Principal Johnston).

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